Additional Training

Additional Training and Professional Consultation:

  • Provided formal consultation to Director of the Disability Resource Center (DRC) Director of Personal Counseling Center (PCC) at Cañada College Bettina Lee, Ed.D. on personal counseling policies and procedures.
  • Provided training to Cañada college personal counseling staff on policies and procedures when our policies and procedures were adopted by their program.
  • Consultation and support provided to Marco Chacon, new full-time counselor and coordinator of intern program at Cañada college
  • Recruited interim supervisor and program coordinator for Cañada College 
  • Recruited, interviewed and managed all clinical staff upon medical and family leave of key staff here at Skyline.
  • Currently supervise four interns:  Two marriage, family therapy/clinical counselor trainees, one Post-graduate Associate Social Worker and one Post graduate Associate Marriage, Family Therapist
  • I have provided clinical supervision to all six of our interns hired over the last eleven years.
  • Provided all key statistics to support additional staffing at Skyline College including key information for the Presidential Innovation Fund which funded our 2019-2021 intern staff and our current graduate students from St. Mary’s college.  
  • Clinical coaching and consultation provided to licensed staff.
  • Coordinated district wide trainings on the following topics:
  • Trauma-informed services
  • Grief and Loss
  • Suicide Risk and Assessment:  Coordinated with my agency Counseling and Support Services for Youth so that CEU certificates could be issued to our licensed staff.
  • Individual consultations on students of concern
  • Individualized presentations in classrooms where faculty have identified a student of concern
  • Immediate consultation for classroom situations or code of conduct concerns.
  • Discipline consultations and advocacy work for students
  • Individual consultations on situational crisis for faculty and staff
  • Administrative consultations on sensitive situations
  • Develop and maintain comprehensive resource packet for Title IX packet

Professional Development Additional Trainings/Certifications:

Clinical Skills Development:

  • Treating Anxiety
  • Suicide Assessment and Intervention Training
  • NASW:  Suicide Risk and Assessment and Intervention
  • Adverse Childhood Experiences Lifelong Consequences and How to Overcome Them
  • Self -Care:  Anti-Inflammatory Lifestyle

Telehealth Services:

  • Law & Ethics:  Telehealth in the Age of COVID-19
  • Telehealth:  Legal and Ethical Issues
  • Managing Tele-Mental Health Clients
  • Tele-Mental Health Training Certificate

Supervision Related Courses:

  • Law & Ethics-General 
  • Clinical Supervision

Diversity & Equity Related:

  • Miseducation of America: Decolonizing our Racial Traumas
  • Forging a Path Forward: Reflections on Learning and Unlearning
  • Post-traumatic Slave Syndrome
  • Health and Wellness Equity Workshop