Outreach & Inreach

Special Events, On-Campus and Off-Campus Collaborations: 

I. Ongoing partnership with the One Love foundation: One Love Foundation is a national non-profit organization with the goal of ending relationship abuse by empowering young people with the tools and resources they need to see the signs of healthy and unhealthy relationships and bring life-saving prevention education to their communities. Escalation and MVP are featured films screened as part of workshop discussion groups. 

II. Partnered with Star Vista, Active Minds, ASSC, BAM, WMLA, EOPS/CARE/CalWORKs, International Students, Middle College, ESOL, Veteran Resource Center and SFVA, Social Science/Creative Arts Division, Health & Safety Committee, Library Staff, Learning Commons: to provide campus wide events on Personal Counseling Services, Timely Care and Mental Health Awareness. 

Early Identification Interventions 

I. Partnered with Skyline’s Women’s Mentorship and Leadership Academy (WMLA) to provide gender specific outreach services and support. Additionally, a direct liaison is provided to assist with personal counseling referrals. Faculty and staff consultations provided throughout the school year and participation in their year-end retreat held in April. 

II. Partnered with International Students/ESOL to provide tailored presentations on stress management, wellness, How to Succeed in an American College and direct liaison with the Personal Counseling department. 

III. Campus Wide (Flex-Day) presentation entitled “What’s New in Health & Wellness Services.” 

IV. Partnered with Brothers Achieving Milestones (BAM) to provide a two-part workshop on identifying the signs of a Healthy and Unhealthy Relationship. The workshop included a film screening which portrays an emotionally abusive relationship. 

VI. Campus Wide and Classroom Presentations on our services, how to access our services, crisis support and TimelyCare Information. 

VII. Partnered with Health Services for the Spring Health Fair. Timely Care participated in this event and provided an additional presentation to ASSC and the Cosmetology Program. 

VIII. Partnered with Middle College Program to provide presentations on general Personal Counseling, Stress Management entitled “Home for the Holidays” and Healthy and Unhealthy Relationships from a Friendship Lens workshop. Collaboration to streamline referrals, crisis management and faculty and staff support. 

IX. Partnered with Community Overcoming Relationship Abuse (CORA) to provide department training on domestic violence and response.

X. Partnered with Star Vista to provide department training on Suicide Prevention, Assessment and response, including 988 – the new Suicide and Crisis Lifeline.

XI. SFSU graduate class presentation: Suicide and School Based Mental Health for Nate Nevado’s graduate counseling course at SFSU taught by Liz Llamas and Tessa Kwan. 

SFSU Photo

XII. Health & Safety Committee: Personal Counseling services, referrals and crisis protocol. 

XIII. Bay Area Legal Aid – San Mateo County and San Mateo County Domestic Violence Council-Domestic Violence Awareness Committee (DVAC) to provide domestic violence support and resources at our 2023 Health Fair.

XIV. Timely Care regular collaboration and coordination of our after hours and weekend counseling support program.

XV. Partnered with Skyline’s Men’s Basketball Team and head coach and assistant coaches to present Escalation Domestic Violence Awareness Workshop.