Trainings Conducted and Professional Consultation

 Trainings Conducted and Professional Consultation: 

  • Consultation and collaboration with clinical supervisors at CSM and Cañada College. 
  • Recruited, interviewed and will manage one to two new interns for 2023-2024 school year. 
  • Currently supervise four interns: One- marriage, family therapy trainee, two- Registered Post-graduate Associates, one Post-graduate Associate Social Worker. 
  • Clinical coaching and consultation provided to licensed staff. 
  • Individual consultations on students of concern and CARE referrals. 
  • Immediate consultation for classroom situations or code of conduct concerns. 
  • Discipline consultations and advocacy work for students 
  • Individual consultations on situational crisis for faculty and staff 
  • Administrative consultations on sensitive situations 
  • Develop and maintain comprehensive resource packet for Title IX packet 
  • Provided additional hours and support on off days to cover CARES referrals and crisis management concerns. 
  • Provide additional support, collaboration with our Director of Student Support. 
  • Selected to be part of the Title IX team as a student advocate 
  • Assisted with technology related projects for department 
  • Assisted with technology related project for our district 
  • Trainings provided for our Intern Program:
    • Crisis Management 
    • Assessment 
    • Extended Family Systems 
    • Treatment Planning 
    • Suicide Risk Assessment 
    • Art Therapy Approaches to Treatment 
    • Termination
  • Coordinated with outside and internal providers to provide trainings on Domestic Violence and Suicide Risk Assessment
  • Completed 8 hour Title IX Training Series for 2022-2023:
    What is Affirmative Consent
    ✓ Appeals
    ✓ California Law Regarding Employees
    ✓ CAS Standards Sexual Violence Related Programs and Services
    ✓ Collecting and Understanding Specialized Evidence
    ✓ Cultural Relevance
    ✓ Cultural Relevance Inclusiveness in Responding to Sexual Interpersonal Violence on Campus
    ✓ Dating Apps
    ✓ Disability Law in Student Conduct Proceedings
    ✓ Due Process Part 1: Theory and History
    ✓ Due Process Part 2: Practical Application
    ✓ Effective Interviewing of Parties and Witnesses
    ✓ Intersection of Title IX and LGBTQ Support
    ✓ Investigations of Title IX Sexual Harassment
    ✓ Legal Framework of Interests and Bias
    ✓ Neurobiolgoy of Sexual Assault Overview
    ✓ No contact Orders
    ✓ Privacy, Confidentiality and Privilege Disclosures
    ✓ Privacy Confidentiality
    ✓ Restorative Justice
    ✓ Severe, Persistent and Objectively Offensive Title IX Sexual Harassment
    ✓ Sexual Misconduct
    ✓ Sexual Misconduct Employees
    ✓ Social Media
    ✓ Social Media and Student Conduct Process
    ✓ State Law re: Sexual Misconduct Students
    ✓ Supportive Measures in Responding to Reports of Sexual & Interpersonal Violence
    ✓ Title IX Final Rules Basic
    ✓ Virtual Hearing Technology