
It was my goal to revamp and bolster this portion of our program recognizing that not every student would need or want direct services but could benefit from psychoeducational classes and outreach efforts.  Our outreach efforts also serve to break down barriers to treatment and destigmatize mental health. In our data gathering many students report hearing about our services through our outreach efforts including classroom presentations.

Our outreach component includes both in-class and school-wide presentations.  This component of our program is tailored to fit the needs of our students, faculty and staff.  Our diverse and talented personal counseling staff will go into classrooms or organize school wide events, sharing their knowledge and expertise on a variety of topics.  Our efforts which also included revamping our full-time counselor- Perry Chen’s role to include a large outreach component has yielded a tremendous impact as we began to see students served through our outreach efforts into the hundreds.  This component of our program was able to expand in incredible ways.  

Topics I have presented on:

  • Depressive Related Disorders
  • Anxiety Related Disorders
  • Anger Management and Anxiety
  • Middle College Career Presentation
  • Middle College presentation on Anxiety and Stress
  • Westmore High School on becoming an MFT
  • Suicide
  • Self-Concept, Identity and Empowerment-Hermanas 
  • Domestic violence
  • Classified Staff Retreat:  Stress Management and Wellness
  • Kognito online simulated training program in-service
  • Stress management
  • Student Success Conference:  Breakthroughs to Success
  • Time for Self-Reflection:  Self-Care and Guided Meditation
  • Self-care:  Home for the Holidays:  Classified Staff
  • Self-care and Nutrition
  • Self-care and Stress Management for WMLA
  • Importance of Self-Care in College
  • Meditation and mindfulness
  • Strategies for addressing high conflict individuals
  • Trauma Sensitive Classrooms
  • Personal Counseling Process and Procedures:  Cañada College Personal Counseling Dept. 
  • Healthy relationships
  • Career development and becoming an MFT
  • Stress Management in the Era of COVID
  • General classroom presentations on personal counseling services
  • Contingency and Crisis Response for Library Faculty and Staff
  • Contingency and Crisis Response for Cosmetology Faculty and Staff 
  • How to Respond to Agitated/High Conflict Individuals for Admissions and Records faculty and staff
  • ECE Presentations:
    • Assessments
    • Working with Children
    • Play-based strategies
    • Sand Tray

Teaching Experience:

  • Taught a CSU transferrable course on Anger Management
  • Taught a five week wellness series

School Wide Events Coordinated:

  • Depression among the AAPI community in partnership with Asian Americans for Community Involvement 
  • EndGame:  Aids in Black America in partnership with City of SF Public Health Department
  • Sexual Assault:  In partnership with Rape Trauma Services, Trauma Network
  • Escalation:  Domestic Violence Workshop for all athletes at College of San Mateo.  This event was highly successful and well received and the Division Dean and Athletic Director at CSM:  Andreas Wolf reached out to Joe Morello, Dean of Kinesiology, Athletics and Dance and we conducted the same workshop to Skyline’s student athletes.
  • Depression Screening

Community Partnerships:

Equally important is our partnership with local agencies and programs.  Partnerships I have initiated and/or maintained or expanded:

  • Filipino Mental Health Initiative
  • Rape Trauma Services
  • Asian Americans for Community Involvement
  • Counseling and Support Services for Youth
  • San Mateo County Behavioral Health Services
  • One Love Organization
  • Daly City Youth 
  • Marsy Haber, MFT provided a training on Anxiety during our Health Fair
  • Anna Frumkin, Nutritionist provided a training on Healthy Eating 
  • Kristin Dempsey, Ed.D provided the following trainings:
    • Trauma:  Treatment and Interventions
    • Effective Suicide and Crisis Interventions Using Telehealth
  • Dr. Ochoa. Ph.D, provided training on Suicide Risk and Assessment and Managing a School-wide crisis
  • Kara Grief Support:  Ongoing collaboration for grief support. Kara also now serves as our onsite immediate support in the event of an unexpected death or loss within our Skyline community.
  • Community Overcoming Relationship Abuse (CORA) for domestic violence practitioner training.
  • StarVista for suicide risk assessment training including 988-the new Suicide and Crisis Lifeline.
  • Bay Area Legal Aid- San Mateo County and San Mateo County Domestic Violence Council- Domestic Violence Awareness Committee (DVAC) to provide domestic violence support and resources at our 2023 Health Fair.
  • Timely Care regular collaboration and coordination of our after hours and weekend counseling support program.